How to Drive Safely With a Roof Rack on Your Vehicle

May 8th, 2023 by

SUV With Roof Rack

Ready for that summer road trip? Heading to your favorite camping or lake destination? Maybe you could use extra storage space in your vehicle.

Having a roof rack on top of your vehicle can be incrediblybeneficial. You must remember one important thing: While a roof rack expands your cargo capacity, it requires some adjustments to your driving habits to ensure your safety, your family’s safety, and the safety of others on the road. 

Find out more with our essential tips for driving properly with a roof rack on top of your vehicle.

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Know Your Vehicle’s Height

You must know the height of your vehicle with the roof rack attached. Then, you’ll need to pay more attention to the dimensions of low-clearance obstacles like bridges, overpasses, or parking garages. Striking an overpass can cause severe damage to the roof rack and your vehicle.

Watch out for low-hanging branches, low spaces, and narrow spaces. These obstacles could damage your roof rack.  

Install the Roof Rack Correctly 

Pay attention to the instruction manual. The roof rack must be tight enough to grip the bars on your vehicle, but it can’t be too tight because it could severely damage the roof. When putting the roof rack on top, you don’t want to scratch the paint job, either. Always have a helper!

Secure Your Luggage Properly

Not loading your luggage correctly can cause problems while driving. Luggage must be packed tightly so it doesn’t shift. Shifting can cause your cargo rack to come loose or make the top come off. Use bungee cords or straps to secure your items to the rack, and make sure everything is tightly fastened. Before you hit the road, give your roof rack a good shake to ensure everything is secure.

When packing your roof rack, make sure you load everything safely. Don’t lift anything too heavy. Use a ladder that’s taller than your vehicle, or purchase an accessory that attaches to the outside of your car that allows you to climb up and load your roof rack. Get assistance when packing and unpacking the cargo rack.

Make sure you don’t exceed the weight rating of your cargo rack. Otherwise, your roof could sink in or start to bend. That could cause permanent damage.

Check Your Speed

We recommend driving at least 5 miles per hour below the posted speed limit on a highway because the roof rack increases wind resistance. Check the manual to see any speed limitations, as any roof rack has a maximum speed limit. Avoid sudden lane changes and sharp turns, as these can increase the chances of your luggage shifting or the roof rack becoming unstable. 

Increase Your Following Distance

Added weight to your vehicle means you’ll have a harder time stopping and accelerating. Double the distance you would normally have between you and the vehicle in front of you. Instead of two seconds, leave four seconds of distance. This will give you enough time to react to sudden stops or turns and avoid collisions. 

Adjust Your Driving Habits for Windy Conditions

High winds are already problematic when driving at high speeds. High winds and wind gusts can make driving even worse with a roof rack. Cut your speed when driving in extremely windy conditions, and keep both hands on the steering wheel to maintain control of your car. If the wind is too strong, consider pulling over and waiting until the conditions improve.

Use a Roof Rack Wind Deflector

A roof rack wind deflector can significantly reduce wind resistance and improve your car’s stability while driving. It’s a small device that attaches to the front of your roof rack and deflects wind away from the rack. Using a roof rack wind deflector can also improve your fuel economy and reduce noise while driving. 

However, you should still observe all safety precautions when driving with a cargo rack. The wind deflector is only there to lessen wind resistance.

Regularly Check Your Roof Rack

Inspect your roof rack for any damage or signs of wear and tear before you install it on top of your vehicle. Check that all bolts and screws are tightened properly and that the rack is securely attached to your vehicle. Additionally, inspect the straps or bungee cords securing your luggage to ensure they’re not frayed or damaged.

When taking rest stops, meal breaks, or bathroom breaks, look over the roof rack to make sure it’s still stable and intact. If you suddenly feel a change in your car’s aerodynamics, pull over and check the roof rack to see if everything is all right.

Always Pack and Unpack With a Buddy!

Because you’re packing and unpacking something that’s six to eight feet off the ground, use a buddy to help pack and unpack the roof rack. When standing on the ladder, never go higher than two steps from the top. Have someone stand on the ground to hand you one object at a time. 

Raise and lower items slowly, and always have one hand on the ladder or vehicle for stability. Grab only one item at a time when loading or unloading. Having a buddy can save strain on your muscles and prevent an injury.

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Posted in Driving Tips